
Dr. Stefan Seifert Head
Ariane Grunz Senior Software Developer
Birgit Rach *Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Anton LinkSoftware Developer and Database Administrator
Dieter Neubacher *System Administrator and Software Developer
Tanja Weibulat Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Dr. Markus WeissBiodiversity- and Geo-Informatics Scientist, Senior Software Developer
Dr. Julia Wellsow *Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Ingo Wendt *Data Scientist and Research Data Curator


Dr. Konstanze Bensch  Guest Scientist, staff of Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie e.V.
Wolfgang Diewald Guest Scientist
Eva Haiduk Guest Scientist
Prof. em. Dr. Gerhard Rambold Guest Scientist, staff of University of Bayreuth
Wolfgang Reichert Guest Scientist
Marcel Ruff Guest Scientist, staff of Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Dr. Dagmar Triebel Associated Scientist

and associated

Diversity Workbench Co-workers

Former staff

Wolfgang AhlmerData Scientist and Research Assistant
Jan IngenhaagResearch Assistant, Web Application Developer
Manfred KnickSystem Administrator and Software Developer
Iris Leininger Data Scientist and Research Assistant
Asif Rashid Lakehsar Software Developer
Dr. Andreas PlankResearch Scientist and Software Developer
Dieter ProkopSoftware Developer
Georg RollingerSoftware Developer
Veronica Sanz Data Scientist and Research Assistant
Martin Scheuerer Data Scientist and Research Assistant
Wiltrud SpiesbergerResearch Assistant, Web Application Developer
Dr. Finn ViehbergData Scientist and Research Data Curator

* temporary employment