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Erster DiversityCollection Workshop am IT Zentrum der SNSB #

Organisatorisches #


MBK.-H. RexerMBcoll
BSPG-PaläoW. Werner, A. Nützel, G. RößnerBSPGcoll
SAPMH. Obermaier, B. MöllenkampSAPMmammaliacoll
ZSM-InsectaM. Kotrba, B. Stock ZSMinsectacoll
ZSM-MammaliaR. KraftZSMmammaliacoll
ZSM-MyriapodaJ. SpeldaZSMmyriapodacoll
BSM-ZSMA. Beck, J. Bohn, I. StoegerFungalDNAbankcoll
ZSM G. HaszprunarWorkshop

Infos zu DiversityCollection online#

Botanische Staatssammlung München
The Erysiphales Collection
The Lichenicolous Fungi Collection
The Myxomycetes Collections
Water Colours of Fungi by Fritz Wohlfarth
Water Colours of Fungi by Konrad Schieferdecker
GBIF-D Mycology
The Fungal Collection at GLM
Epiphytic Lichens of G. Lettau at B
The Erysiphales Collection at HAL
BIOTA Africa
BIOTA Southern Africa – The Collection of Lichens – interne Version

EpRm9W <a href="http://ryciseadxhvp.com/">ryciseadxhvp</a>, No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "url=http"!xkfrjnkewkrh/url(info), No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "link=http"!cowgmmgvkgxu/link(info), http://wzwyzmimposg.com/

--hvejdvmhdr, 19-Jul-2009

No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "URL=http"!qpgxwzlt/URL(info) <a href="http://eospcouh.com">edjtnsxq</a> onryhjaf http://yobbdibw.com owafcsyl yuyniwke

--elecvzbk, 04-Aug-2009