The number of moss specimens in the Karlsruhe collection rose sharply, especially after World War II. The focus of the collections is primarily in the old state of Baden. Important collectors are C.C. Gmelin, A. Braun, K. Müller (liverworts), v. Stengel, G. Philippi, R. Düll.
In the last few decades, the moss collection by G. Philippi in particular has been greatly expanded (approx. 60,000 capsules). Peat mosses form a special focus (A. Hölzer, more than 15,000 capsules). The Bryophyte collection at KR currently contains around 110,000 specimens.
Data Project and Service
Almost 50.000, about half of the total number of specimens are digitized. Scientific names follow the taxonomic concept valid when the current labels of the collection were created, or recent revisions. Because there is no automatic adjustment to nomenclature in the database, specimens of the same species might be listed under different names, depending on when these specimens where processed. Thus, the vouchers on which the data are based are of different taxonomic and nomenclatural levels of processing. Sometimes specimens, especially from the 18th and 19th century, have not yet been revised. Only recent collections were so far georeferenced, while georeferencing of older data is in progress, and only georeferenced vouchers are shown on the maps.
The collection and the datasets are maintained and expanded by the curator of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens Prof. Dr. Rainer Bussmann; data are organized by Dr. Florian Raub. Notices of errors of any kind are much appreciated by the editorial staff.
The Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts in Baden-Württemberg supported inventory, digitalisation and online access of the collections. Technical support is provided by the IT Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns with the NFDI4Biodiversity.
The Database "The Bryophyte Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe" and – if not stated otherwise – its supporting files have been copyrighted © 2012–2025 by the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe.
© Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe 2012–2025.
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